
PAC reports published today

PAC reviews into Emergency Services Digital Mobile Radio Project

and VHF/2m Repeater Replacement

The Public Accounts Committee published its reviews today into the VHF/2m Replacement and the Emergency Services Digital Mobile Radio project. The reviews provide an analysis and evaluation of the information available for the projects and were considered in terms of whether they represented value for money.

Originally the reviews were intended as a single combined review as they are heavily inter-related, upon initial research into the projects however, it became clear that they had both very distinct issues in so far as the remit of the PAC.

The reviews explored the management of the projects and expenditure incurred focusing on the planning and key decisions taken including the tendering process.  The research included written evidence from a number of sources as well as interviews with key stakeholders.  In the VHF/2 metre replacement project, the PAC found there to be issues regarding the tendering process; and in the Digital Mobile Radio system, the issues identified surrounded the system’s initial planning and implementation.

The review on the Emergency Services Digital Mobile Radio project concluded that it did not represent value for money and was hindered from the outset.  The report on the VHF/2 metre Repeater concluded that there was no evidence that the contract did not represent value for money but that the contract was not awarded through a tender process that ensured open competition.

The areas of weakness highlighted by these reviews require action by FIG management and recommendations have been made to the Legislative Assembly to address the PAC’s concerns.

Speaking at the launch of the Reports, the PAC’s Chair Mr Andrew Newman said: “These latest PAC reviews have again identified issues which are of concern to the public, it is important that appropriate attention is focused on making positive changes so that value for money is achieved and mistakes are not repeated. The PAC has a wide remit but places particular attention to ensuring that good governance of public funds is taking place.”

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is appointed under the Constitution to: “Examine and report on all public accounts and audit reports that are required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly and shall have such other functions, and shall operate under such procedures as may be prescribed by or under an Ordinance”.

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